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Truth Is Still Truth
written by Greg Alexander/Generation Sound Publishing / SESAC

Since the Church was born at Calvary until this very day
The blood of Jesus has the power to wash our sins away
The bride of Christ is spotless, spotless she will be
When the bridegroom comes to take her home
Into eternity

The Church is still the church being tried by the fire
Holy is still holy and the world is still a liar
Truth is still truth it shall never end
The bridegroom is still coming back for a bride
That's free from sin

A movement in our world today says truth is just not cool
The Holy Ghost anointing
Has been replaced by modern tools
We must be seeker friendly so when the meeting ends
We can leave the sanctuary to live a life of sin

When we try to sound the warning it falls on deafened ears
Our longing for the truth of God is met with leader's fears
But we lift our heads in victory for we know that we shall win
When the bridegroom comes in glory
To take us home with Him